"Flee from the One Who is Work"
This was about the only thing I could remember from my dream last night. Somebody told me to 'flee from the one who is work'. What does that mean!?
I think that God gives us dreams very frequently. More frequently than we might imagine. We're always told that dreams are just electrical discharges or impulses about what's been happening in our lives and they don't mean anything; they're just a stress relief. At least that's what I've been told. But throughout the Bible, God spoke to men in dreams. I think it's one of His main ways of communicating with man because it's the time that we're finally still and quiet enough to listen to His voice.
So back to my dream. Here is my interpretation of its meaning. (Please feel free to post comments on this blog to agree or disagree with my interpretation, or to simply add to it, if you feel so inclined.)
Let's figure out who "the One" is, first of all, in this message. God clearly tells us in the Bible that He is our comfort, our rest, our refuge. The mountain of God is a place where we can go to recharge and refuel in His presence in preparation for this world that we live in. So "the One Who is Work" certainly cannot be referring to God. Therefore it must be referring to the devil.
I believe one of the biggest tricks of the enemy is that he gets us thinking that we're 'human-doings' not human-beings. We need to just BE what God has created us to be, and that is enough to make God happy, is it not? Satan wants our lives filled with so many obligations, dates, schedules and everything else that can fill our day that we don't have time to spend meditating on God's word. (Once again, this refers back to my earlier statement about how God often speaks to us through our dreams since it's the only time we are quiet enough to listen to Him) Satan wants us to WORK. He is the 'One who is Work'.
I'm not trying to say that work in and of itself is bad. But what I am saying is that when you place work before your family, or work before your relationship, it hold too high of a position in your life. Your relationships with other human beings (not human-doings) is the most important thing in life. God is a God of relationship; He is not a God of capitalism.
So I think we covered pretty well who 'the One' is in my dream. I think the beginning part is pretty easy too. Flee from Satan. Run from him. Do not entertain his thoughts and temptations. I believe not only that God speaks to us through our dreams, but also that God wants to nudge us in the right direction; He wants to reveal to us, if we're willing to listen, some of His knowledge of the future. Because I just received this dream, I personally believe that there is going to be an up-coming event in my life which is going to cause me a lot of work if I accept it. Maybe even today I will be offered some possible situation that could cause me a lot of work. I need to keep this dream's message in my mind, and make sure that I weigh the pro's and con's of whatever is presented to me. If it is just more work for money, or some fading, material pleasure, then I need to disregard that opportunity; especially if it costs me time with my wife, family and friends.
What about you? How is your life going? Are you just trudging along with work, not really enjoying it and not getting the time you want to enjoy other people too? Maybe if you take a true look at your life you'll see that you too need to Flee from the One Who is Work, and get back to the basics of life. Be the human being that God intended you to be: enjoy all the relationships that God has provided you in your life and go out and make new relationships with new people.
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