The Awakening by Seward Johnson

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Earthly Divinity

To quote my pastor,
"Humanity is Earthly Divinity."
Whoa... did he say that right?  Humanity is earthly divinity?  Just think about what he could have meant by this statement.  Re-read that statement to yourself... I'll give you a moment.

There are a couple different ways of dissecting this statement that I'd like to explore on this post.  Please (as always) feel free to leave comments for me and my other viewers to see and discuss.

1.  Perhaps my pastor was giving a prophetic insight into the condition of the earth at this time in history; not as it should be but as it currently is.  If such is true, then the quote "Humanity is earthly divinity" is a sad confirmation of the truth: The earth does not yet see a true, pervasive divinity.  The earth is suffering still under the hand of man.  We have been given authority to rule and subdue this earth but we have done so perhaps for too long without enough thought of the consequences of our actions.  Therefore our earthly divinity leaves a lot to be desired (as it currently is).  Perhaps it is time for us to step up to the plate and make conscientious choices about conservation, going 'green' and leaving this earth a better place than we found it (environmentally, relationally, and in all other ways).  

2.  Or maybe he was saying that we as human beings are called "sons of the living God" and that is truly what we are called to be on this earth.  Sons of the Most High Creator of all things, created in His image and likeness.  Therefore, as sons (and daughters) of God who is eternally holy, we should be a representation of holiness and divinity here on this earth, shouldn't we?  The problem is the majority of us (Christians and non-christians) never come to the point in our lives where we realize that we were created with a purpose and reason.  We wander around this life trying to make sense of it all without ever talking with the Source of it all.  Or we wander around with a false humility, saying we are just servants of God, and we never step into the heritage and the power that awaits the mature family of God.  If all of us (not just Christians) could just grasp a hold of the truth that we, as sons and daughters of God have access to His infinite resources and love, there would be a world-wide revolution!  The earth would truly experience humanity as earthly divinity!  

3.  A final possibility that I will explore now is an amalgamation of the first two.  I think my pastor was sounding a sort of call-to-arms for us.  Not just to christians, but for all of humanity.  We are ALL sons of God whether we know it and want to admit it or not; therefore we all have the same responsibility in taking care of the earth He has created for us and places us in charge of.  And we (collectively as humanity) are holy!  Have you thought about yourself as being holy lately?  God sees you as you can be (as He created you) not as you see yourself.  He sees you as holy and divine!  The more you strive to see yourself through God's perspective, the more you'll come to understand the human you were purposefully created to be from before the beginning of time.  With that perspective in mind, humanity truly could be divinity on earth!  With that perspective, we could see preschool-aged children healing the sick of illnesses; we could see average life expectancies sky-rocket; we could see a new energy developed that revolutionizes the idea of 'clean energy'.  So arise to this call to arms (of sorts)!  Change your perspective from that of a worm and servant, to that of one who, in spite of his past deeds (or misdeeds), is considered a holy son of God and therefore has access to God's power, riches and blessings.  Start with yourself today, in being divinity on earth.  If we all start with ourselves then before we know it, Humanity will be Earthly Divinity.


  1. Thanks for your thoughts Chris. I am continually amazed how God re-places his hope for the earth in man. Even after He was fed up with man, he starts again with a man (Noah). Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have one Father. Every birth is authored by Him and that is why He desires that none perish. Man is His family and He is jealous for us all.

    His decision to make man (Adam) was to create a household of God on the earth. Being made in His image did not change with the fall. What changed is proximity and relationship. Jesus came to remind us of who we are (His children) and eradicate the void of relationship created by the fall.

    Belief that we are the Father's children through Jesus is the door to fully exploring our identity. Many have done much in displaying their "divinity" by not being afraid to risk and discover the treasure deposited in them by God. But it is in the context of a believing relationship where that life discovery "hits the mark". Until then, sin is the result.

    It is not heresy to say humanity is earthly divinity. It is a bold and declarative statement to the lost and the found as to who and "Whose" we are.

  2. i had a student tell me they were "so sinful." i walked away wishing i had reminded her that God sees us as Holy, so why should we bemoan our sinfulness.

    i wonder, oh how i wonder, what the ratio of comments given to our holiness to our sinfulness is in the Bible or Paul's letters. And of course their context as well (we were sinners, we are holy).

    Being divine is just such a crazy thought, but the evidence is so lacking. We do need a people who love God, His Word, and are being transformed continually.

    Great stuff buddy!
