The Awakening by Seward Johnson

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Skin I'm In

This poem was written by Jen Delgado, one of the worship leaders at the World Harvest Outreach church.  With her permission it has been posted onto my blog for my readers' edification and enjoyment. I feel that her poem embodies a lot of what I've written about on this blog and therefore was very appropriate.  Enjoy!
The Skin I'm In

I want my pen to flow prolifically with words of life that bring newness and wholeness and rememberance of who I was destined to be, the very reason I was called to be, out from eternity into reality, yet never called to leave my kingdom functionality. You blaze your gaze burned into my memory. I can't look away it demands the attention of every part of my anatomy. If one could be changed from just the touch of your hem, what would it then be like to be wrapped in you, to wear you like this skin I'm in?

If you have the keys and to be in you means the keys also belong to me, then why so many locked doors? Why not use those keys to see the release of the new, to unleash the momentum of the free. To know the glow, to unrefutably see the heat of your glory burning from the inside out of me. The me is waning, the you is invading and the line between the two is quickly fading.

Don't want to adopt just a bunch of new lingo while I sit on my butt like old ladies playing bingo. What I have is real and want the change to be true, as true as an unlocked door, never before been opened to you. So what would it look like? What would the new sound be then? If we all began to wear you like this very skin we're in?

If we let go of this idea of "me" and all the things I'm entitled to feel and be, and allow you to mold us into the very constructs of royalty. What once appeared to be confinement would actually begin to feel free. Where I once lacked movement, suddenly there's not an army that could stop me. Where my voice felt shaky and a little quivery is now ringing out and bringing purpose to entire cities. Once valid excuses and reasonable explanations, now going, doing, changing, bringing life to existing nations. Here is where it starts, now is when it begins. The "how" is being wrapped in you like the very skin I'm in.
                                                                                                     -Jennifer Delgado

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